B. Martinet, G. Ghisbain, K. Przybyla, E. Zambra, N. Brasero, A. V. Kondakov, A. A. Tomilova, Y. S. Kolosova, I. N. Bolotov, P. Rasmont, G. Potapov (2021)
Distant but related: genetic structure in the circum-boreal bumblebee Bombus jonellus (Kirby, 1802).
Polar Biology44: 2039.
DOI: 10.1007/s00300-021-02937-x
Jolanta Bąk-Badowska, Anna Wojciechowska, Joanna Czerwik-Marcinkowska (2021)
Effects of Open and Forest Habitats on Distribution and Diversity of Bumblebees (Bombus) in the Małopolska Upland (Southern Poland): Case Study.
Biology10: 1266.
DOI: 10.3390/biology10121266