Habitats and bumblebees. (A) Oak-maple forest with herb-celandine plant cover on a slope of the Marečková Mountain, 20.05.2011, Slovakia. (B) Female of B. terrestris with specific searching behaviour on a slope of the Marečková Mountain, 20.05.2011, Slovakia. (C) Worker of B. terrestris on flowers of common ivy in the Imbras Gorge, 23.10.2011, Isle of Crete. (D) Common ivy thickets on a rocky outcrop, the single available nectar source in the Imbras Gorge, 23.10.2011, Isle of Crete. (E) Sparse mixed fir-beech forest with juniper-grass-herb plant cover on the foothills of the Neouville Mountain, 26.05.2011, Pyrenees, France. (F) Grass-herb meadow near pine-birch forest in the village of Isakovo, Solovetsky Archipelago of Russia. (G) Grass community near the coast on Bolshoy Zayatskiy Island, Solovetsky Archipelago. Photos: Yu.S. Kolosova

  Part of: Potapov G, Kolosova Y, Bolotov I (2018) Possible bivoltine development of several bumblebee species in Europe. Arctic Environmental Research 18(1): 45-51. https://doi.org/10.17238/issn2541-8416.2018.18.1.45